52 week book challenge

I love paper. I have always loved paper. I bought a Bind-It-All machine a few years ago which meant that several sheets of paper & a couple of sheets of decorated card could easily be made into a nice wee notebook. Soon I was looking for anything flat which was thin enough to fit into the machine. It can punch through not only card, but also thick felt & plastic like Cds & floppy disks.  After doing several  bookbinding classes at Edinburgh Contemporary Crafts I discovered the joy of hand-bound books. Inspired by Kathy Fritz in Cloth Paper Scissors, PAGES vol 5 who challenged herself to make one hand-made book every week for 1 year, I have decided to set myself this challenge.

Ideally I would like to start this on 1st January, but I can’t wait till then & I want to start NOW. For my 1st week I’m possibly cheating slightly by saying in true ‘Blue Peter’ style –  ‘here’s one I made earlier’. I still love my floppy disk notebooks & am always on the lookout for them in charity shops. Recently I came across a real gem – a box of rare coloured disks languishing at the back of a shelf. Unfortunately coloured floppies were not big in the UK, so not easy to find.

Floppy disk notebooks

Posted in General chit-chat

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